Title I Parent Engagement Evaluation
The Boyd County Public School District participates in the federal Title I Part A program, which provides funding to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic content and achievement standards. Parent and family engagement is an important piece of Title I Part A guidelines. In Boyd County, all schools except Boyd County High School receive Title I Part A funding.
The BCPS family engagement plan meets all Kentucky Department of Education requirements and can be found in section 4, below. However, as part of our Title I participation, we are required to evaluate the quality of our parent and family engagement each year. The purpose of this questionnaire is to gather information on how well the schools communicated with and engaged parents and guardians during the 23-24 school year. Your feedback is anonymous and will be used to improve our parent and family engagement activities. Suggestions on how we can better help our students at home or at school are welcome. Thank you for your valuable input!
Please click HERE To complete the survey.