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2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results -


Proficient Reading: 25% | Distinguished Reading: 16% | Proficient Math: 30% | Distinguished Math: 8%


Proficient Reading: 26% | Distinguished Reading: 8% | Proficient Math: 18% | Distinguished Math: 3%


Proficient Reading: 22% | Distinguished Reading: 5% | Proficient Math: 16% | Distinguished Math: 4%

2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results

Proficient Reading: #% | Distinguished Reading: #% | Proficient Math: #% | Distinguished Math: #%

Student Services

Dr. Marci H. Prater
Director of Pupil Personnel

Jenny Salyer
Homebound Instructor


Our student services page provides information and resources for parents regarding:
•    GED information 
•    Educational Enhancement Opportunity
•    Home/Hospital Services
•    Homeless
•    Homeschooling Information
•    Pupil Residency Application (In and Out of District Transfers) 
•    Truancy

GED Information - To qualify for the GED exam, you cannot already hold a high school diploma. In Kentucky, GED testers must be at least 19 years old though 18-year-olds may also qualify if they have been officially out of school for at least 90 days. 

GED Testing Form

Educational Enhancement Opportunity – To request an absence to attend or participate in an educational activity during a school day, please complete this form, and return it to the school principal.

Educational Enhancement Opportunity Request Form 

HOME/HOSPITAL Services – For any student with a chronic or temporary medical or mental health condition that prevents them from attending school for a minimum of five consecutive school days, BCPS has a Home/Hospital Program that may be able to help. Our Home/Hospital Program provides curriculum and instruction for qualifying students in their home or hospital room to allow for continuity of instruction during a medical or mental health crisis.

Application for Home Hospital Services

Homeless Liaison – Dr. Prater serves as our district homeless liaison. Liaisons are responsible for: Identifying students in homeless situations, enrolling these students in school., and giving them “full and equal opportunity to succeed.” Please call or email Dr. Prater for further assistance. 

Homeschooling Information - If a family chooses to homeschool, complete accountability for educating the student falls within their scope of responsibilities. The responsibility for selecting the curriculum, maintaining grades, credits, and attendance, and providing any educational resources needed for program completion falls entirely with the family. There is no state financial assistance for families who choose this option, and a high school diploma is only recognized if the program is accredited. 

Pupil Residence Application – Each Kentucky school has non-resident pupils admitted under our district's non-resident pupil policies adopted under KRS 158.120 for those not residing in the district. This application must be completed each year and filed at the school for students living out of the district or wishing to attend another elementary school where they do not reside. 

    NON-RESIDENCY OUT of District Form

Truancy Prevention – Kentucky School Law 159.150 states: Any child absent from school without a valid excuse for three (3) or more days, or tardy for three (3) or more days, is a truant. Any child who has been reported as a truant two (2) or more times is a habitual truant. 
    Elementary Truancy Procedures
    Middle/High School Truancy Procedures