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2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results -


Proficient Reading: 25% | Distinguished Reading: 16% | Proficient Math: 30% | Distinguished Math: 8%


Proficient Reading: 26% | Distinguished Reading: 8% | Proficient Math: 18% | Distinguished Math: 3%


Proficient Reading: 22% | Distinguished Reading: 5% | Proficient Math: 16% | Distinguished Math: 4%

2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results

Proficient Reading: #% | Distinguished Reading: #% | Proficient Math: #% | Distinguished Math: #%

BC Foundation For Children, Inc.

The Foundation is a non-profit organization formed to support Boyd County Public Schools and is committed to providing financial support for the educational needs of the students in the Boyd County Public Schools' community. 

The Foundation was established in August 1999. In January 2001, the Foundation began taking proposals from Boyd County teachers for implementation of educational initiatives in their classrooms.

In November of 2016, the Foundation was honored by the Kentucky Music Educators Association and received the District 8 Friend of Music Award. The award is given to an individual, organization or corporation whose activities have demonstrated outstanding support for music education. Receiving this award means that the Foundation will now be in the running for the Friend of Music Award at the state level.

The Boyd County Foundation for Children, Inc. disburses funds through the Grant Program for teachers. This program allows grants to be awarded to teachers for implementation of innovative ideas in Boyd County classrooms when federal or public school funding is not available. 
Preschool girl painting in the style of Picasso.
A high school student demonstrates her culinary project.
Above, left: a preschool student creates a painting in the style of Vincent Van Gogh. At right: a high school culinary student explains how her group used software purchased by a Foundation grant to set up a restaurant.
  •  To develop broad-based citizen interest and action to improve the quality of education;
  •  To promote excellence in education in Boyd County;
  •  To increase community participation;
  •  To recognize creative initiative in teachers and to publicize them;
  •  To provide a mechanism for combining resources of the private sector and of the public schools;
  •  To increase interaction between the school and the community; and
  •  To provide financial resources beyond the scope of the district’s budget. 
Print out a donor form here:  DONOR FORM
  •  Give generously to the Boyd County Public Schools Foundation for Children, Inc. Your tax-deductible donation will be used to further educational programs and projects for the children of Boyd County Public Schools. No salaries are paid with the funds donated and the Foundation's Board members are volunteers.
  •  Consider a bequest. Giving through your Will is another way to ensure that future generations of our children benefit from the latest innovations in education. You could specify a percentage or an amount that you would like to go to The Boyd County Public Schools Foundation for Children, Inc.
  •  Consider a one-time donation, or
  •  Make a pledge (per paycheck, monthly or annually)
Giving to the Foundation provides donors effective ways to:
  • Give back to the community.
  • See their investment used to benefit children.
  • Determine that their donations are to be used to benefit children in the Boyd County School System.
  • Encourage family members to support the Foundation.
  • Receive significant tax deductions for contributions given.
Mail checks to: 
City National Bank
Attn: Kim Smith
9431 U.S. Route 60 
Ashland, KY, 41102


Judge (Ret.) Marc Rosen, President
Vacant, Vice President
Sandy Thornbury, Secretary
Kim Smith, Treasurer
Superintendent, Bill Boblett, Ex-Officio
Teresa Meade, District Liaison
Sheri Bryan
Jamie Burton
Beverly Carr
Ginger Clark
Keri Hieneman
Johnda Holbrook
Traci Hunley
Deanna Jones
Dale Jones
Janet Lester
Ted Miller
Jennifer Phelps
Andrea Dyer-Steele
Cindy VanHorn
Karen Curnutte-Althoff
