Tracy Caldwell - Director
Michell Ekers - Assistant
Paige Lowe - Assistant
Located at: Boyd County High School
14375 Lions Lane
Ashland, KY 41102
Office Hours 8:00-3:30
Appointments can be made after office hours. The center is open during the summer months.
606-928-1312 (fax)
All Services are Confidential
Referral Process
Students, parents, family members, friends or interested citizens can make a student or family referral to the center. If you know of a student's family that needs our services, please contact the Youth Services Center. Please have the following information ready when you call:
Student and/or family name
Phone number
Reason for making the referral
Who is Eligible for Services?
The center receives a state grant based on the number of students who are eligible for free or reduced meals. However, once established, the center can serve ALL youth and their families enrolled in Boyd County High or Boyd County Middle regardless of family income.
A small sampling of services provided:
- Counseling referral services
- Readifest
- Drug counseling
- Employability counseling and training
- Family enrichment activities
- Speaker's Bureau
- Parent volunteers
- The Informer - newsletter
- Parent University
- Health Fair
- Learn and Serve